Developer : Evolution Studio

Release date : March 6, 2006

Synopsis :

The first game was released in December 2006 in Japan, 6 March in North America and in Europe on 23 March. The first MotorStorm game includes various classes of vehicles, ranging from Bikes to Big Rigs, each with their own abilities and weaknesses. While Bikes and ATVs are some of the faster vehicles in the game, alongside Rally Cars, they are very weak and are prone to being punched out by other riders or wrecked by bigger vehicles. Buggies are four-wheelers that use their lightweight as an advantage when it comes to speed, handling and ability to cross most terrain. Rally Cars are the fastest vehicles in a straight line but suffer from rough terrain and loose surfaces, and thus are easily slowed or damaged by any other heavy vehicles. Racing Trucks, slightly larger than Rally Cars, are noted for the well-rounded performance and can deal with most situations. Mud Pluggers are medium-heavy vehicles, and can tackle any terrain they find, but do not excel when it comes to speed. Big Rigs are the heaviest vehicles in the game. While they favour most terrain, particularly mud, their acceleration is very slow, and this can be a problem when racing against faster vehicles. As a rule of thumb, the larger a vehicle is, the greater the ability that it will have in traversing looser, muddier surfaces.

There are 8 tracks that can be raced on in the game’s setting of Monument Valley, from sand dunes to rocky canyons, with four additional tracks that can be purchased through the PlayStation Store, totalling up to 12 tracks. For example, “Mudpool” consists of mud-filled canyons, giving lighter vehicles a massive disadvantage, thus forcing them to use ramps and routes which keep to higher ground, while Mud Pluggers and Big Rigs gain an advantage through the muddy terrain. “Dust Devil” consists of sandy desert and high-speed straights, which are suited for any vehicle, though many hazards are present, such as stacks of burnt-out vehicles and rocky outcrops.

Boost plays a large part in MotorStorm, and is used to either catch up to opponents or pull away from them. Players must keep an eye on their boost meter, which shows how hot their vehicle’s engine is. The longer the boost is held on, the hotter the engine becomes. If the boost is held when the engine reaches its critical temperature, it will explode. Since explosions resulting from the boost typically rocket the player’s vehicle forward, they can be used to edge out another racer across the finish line. This can be very useful when behind, although this does not work all of the time if the opponent gains the upper hand.

Since then, MotorStorm has achieved global sales of over 3 million copies.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
