Developer : Square Enix

Release date : May 9, 2008

Synopsis :

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors is a role-playing video game developed by Genius Sonority and 8ing and published by Square Enix for the Wii game console. The game is a spin-off from the Dragon Quest series, and was first released in Japan in July 2007, and worldwide the following year.

The game is set in the kingdom of Avalonia. Five years have passed since the defeat of Xiphos, the Death Bringer. Prince Anlace is concerned by the recent behavior of the queen; she insists upon wearing a mask at all times and, claiming to be unwell, refuses to see anyone, including her son. When she secretly heads off to the Galantyne Glades, Anlace asks Claymore, one of the warriors who defeated Xiphos, to help him follow her. Claymore refuses for fear of offending the queen, but allows his son, who has just turned sixteen, to go in his stead.

Claymore’s son (the player character) and Anlace observe the queen leave a hut deep in the Glades. The hut’s resident, Fleurette, tells them the queen came looking for her brother Aruval, another of the warriors who defeated Xiphos. Following Xiphos’s defeat, Aruval contracted a strange malady and Fleurette, who had been training to be a nun, left for a life of seclusion so she could help him. Her magic could not cure Aruval, and he left without saying where he was going. Fleurette belatedly remembers she saw the mask the Queen wears while lost in Arondight Heights as a child. Intuiting that the queen knows Aruval’s whereabouts, she goes to the castle to confront her, but is denied an audience. She instead asks the player character to help her investigate Arondight Heights. There she finds the carving she saw as a child on a mountainside. Though she did not know its meaning then, she now recognizes that it depicts Xiphos wearing the mask. She concludes that the mask is possessing the Queen.

They head back to town to warn the people, but while there reports come in of a monster in the Secace Seacove. Claymore and his son volunteer to deal with it. They defeat the monster, but Fleurette arrives and implores them not to kill it. She says that the monster is Aruval. She tries convincing Aruval to return home, but he has little control of himself and flees into the water. The group returns and learns that the Queen has entered the Tower of Mirrors. They pursue her to the top, where they find her activating a portal in a mirror. The hero cuts her mask in two. However, this actually releases Xiphos’s soul, which the queen had been containing with the mask ever since she realized Xiphos was taking control of her. Fleurette realizes that the carving actually depicts a group of heroes forcing the mask onto Xiphos’s face. Xiphos explains that the moment before his defeat five years ago, he separated his soul from his body and implanted it within the heroes who defeated him. He leaves the queen’s body and raises a castle surrounded by a sea of lava to be his new residence.

Lacking a means of reaching Xiphos, the heroes decide to focus on restoring the mask. Dao, Claymore’s old teacher, says the mask was made in the Mirror World, which can be reached through the Tower of Mirrors. They enter the Mirror World and meet its guardian, Draug. Draug not only repairs the mask, but gives the player character the Rednusadner, a powerful sword that can open the way to Xiphos’s castle. Dao teaches him the Figure of Fate, a technique of the Rednusadner which he uses to open a path in the sea of lava. The party makes their way through the sea of lava and the castle to Xiphos. Xiphos has captured Aruval and draws out the part of his soul he had implanted in him. This restores Aruval to normal and gives Xiphos physical form. The party attacks Xiphos and subdues him long enough to place the mask on him. It turns Xiphos into a statue, which the player character shatters with a blow from the Rednusadner. Xiphos’s castle starts to crumble. During the party’s escape, the hero accidentally drops the mask into the sea of lava. Back in Avalonia, a great party is held in the hero’s honor. He makes his way to a balcony and raises the Rednusadner to the sky, causing all the citizens to cheer.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
