Developer : Ubisoft

Release date : November 15, 2011

Synopsis :

(the protagonist of the first game in the series). While searching for the keys, Ezio becomes caught in a feud between the Ottomans and the Byzantines, and discovers that the Templars are also attempting to unlock Altaïr’s vault and its secrets.

Revelations features an open world and is played from the third-person perspective, with a primary focus on using Ezio’s and Altaïr’s combat, climbing and stealth abilities to eliminate targets and explore the environment. Ezio, who the player controls throughout the majority of the game, can freely explore Constantinople and complete side missions unrelated to the main storyline. Altaïr is playable in a smaller capacity, as he is featured only in a series of flashback missions set in Masyaf from 1189 to 1257. In the modern-day, the player controls Desmond in a series of first-person platforming levels within the Animus. The multiplayer mode returns from Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, and has been expanded with additional maps, characters, and game modes.

The game was released with multiple editions, some of which featured exclusive limited-time content. Most notably, several editions included an animated short film, titled Assassin’s Creed: Embers, which serves as a proper conclusion to Ezio’s story, and which was later re-released as a free download on the PlayStation Store. Downloadable content (DLC) released for the game includes new maps and characters for the multiplayer mode, and a story expansion titled The Lost Archive, which adds more platforming levels to the modern-day.

Upon release, Revelations received largely positive reviews, with praise directed at the world design and narrative, although some reviewers noted that the gameplay of the series was getting overly familiar and the newly introduced features felt lacking in comparison to the ones introduced in previous titles. The game was a large commercial success, outperforming the sales of its predecessors. It was followed in October 2012 by Assassin’s Creed III, which introduces a new storyline and protagonist in the New World during the 18th century, while also concluding Desmond’s story arc.

Following the events of the previous game, Shaun Hastings stays in Rome to attend Lucy Stillman’s funeral, while Rebecca Crane takes the comatose Desmond to his father, William Miles, in New York. To save Desmond’s mind, they place him in the Animus’s safe mode, the “Black Room”. Awakening on Animus Island, a testing program within the Black Room, Desmond meets the consciousness of Clay Kaczmarek, Abstergo’s previous Animus test subject, who explains that Desmond must repair his mind by fully reliving his ancestors’ memories, at which point the Animus can separate Desmond from his ancestors, and awaken him.

Desmond returns to the perspective of Ezio, who, in 1511, travels to the Assassins’ former fortress in Masyaf to learn more about their secrets. He finds Masyaf occupied by the Templars, who try to execute him. Ezio escapes, and discovers the entrance to an underground library built by Altaïr, which requires five “keys” to unlock. The Templars have found one key underneath the Ottoman Sultan’s palace, and are searching for the rest in Constantinople. Travelling there, Ezio is met by Yusuf Tazim, leader of the Ottoman Assassins, and befriends the young student Suleiman. Ezio soon learns that the keys were hidden by Niccolò Polo, and meets Sofia Sartor, an Italian traveler and collector. Ezio finds the keys with Sofia’s help, while developing feelings for her.

Meanwhile, Prince Ahmet and his brother Selim are quarreling over who will inherit the Sultanate. Revealing himself as Selim’s son, Suleiman asks Ezio to investigate the Byzantine Templars, whom he suspects to be behind the feud. Ezio discovers that Manuel Palaiologos, with Templar support, is attempting to raise an army to overthrow the Ottomans and re-establish the Byzantine Empire. Ezio travels to Cappadocia, kills Manuel, and recovers the final key, but learns Ahmet is the true mastermind behind the Templar plot to open Altaïr’s library.

During these events, Ezio uses the keys to witness various moments in Altaïr’s life. He learns that Altaïr, after killing his traitorous mentor, Al Mualim, took over and tried to reform the Assassins, but was challenged by a former friend, Abbas Sofian. While Altaïr and his wife Maria were away fighting off the Mongol invasion, Abbas staged a coup, seizing control of the Assassins and executing Altaïr’s youngest son, Sef. Altaïr sought revenge, but Maria tried to stop him, leading to her also being killed. Altaïr was subsequently forced into a self-imposed exile, but eventually returned to kill Abbas and reclaim leadership of the Assassins. Years later, Altaïr encoded his memories on the keys before entrusting them to Niccolò.

Returning to Constantinople, Ezio discovers that Ahmet has killed Yusuf and kidnapped Sofia, demanding the keys in exchange for her. Ezio agrees, but after saving Sofia, he pursues Ahmet and recovers the keys. While Ahmet is killed by Selim, now the Sultan, Ezio is spared due to Suleiman’s endorsement, but is ordered to leave Constantinople and never return. After completing this memory, the Animus begins to delete excess data. Clay sacrifices himself to save Desmond from being deleted.

Ezio and Sofia return to Masyaf, where Ezio unlocks Altaïr’s library, finding it empty except for Altaïr’s skeleton and a sixth key. Through the key, Ezio discovers that the library was a vault meant to house Altaïr’s Apple of Eden, and that Altaïr had sealed himself to protect it. Ezio leaves the Apple there, stating that he had seen enough for one life, and speaks directly to Desmond, knowing that he is watching. He tells Desmond that he realizes he is nothing more than a conduit for a message, and hopes that Desmond will be able to find answers to his questions. With this, Ezio retires from the Assassins.

Desmond is approached by Jupiter, a member of the First Civilization. He explains that his race had studied methods to save the planet from destruction, and transmitted all the collected data to a central vault—the Grand Temple. Jupiter tells Desmond that he must find the Temple before an impending solar flare hits the Earth and kills all of humanity. Awakening from the coma, Desmond finds Rebecca, Shaun, and William next to him, and tells them that he knows what they must do, just as they arrive at the Grand Temple’s location.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
