Developer : Ubisoft

Release date : September 30, 2005

Synopsis :

Far Cry Instincts is a 2005 first-person shooter game developed and published by Ubisoft for the Xbox. A remake of the original Microsoft Windows version of Far Cry, Instincts is less open-ended and more linear, due to the console’s reduced processing power which prevents the full rendering of the Windows version’s vast islands and landscape. However, Instincts adds new multiplayer modes, weapons, and ‘feral abilities’, the latter being reflected in the modified storyline. Ports of the game for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube were also planned, but were ultimately cancelled. Instincts received generally positive reviews from critics.

A sequel, Far Cry Instincts: Evolution, was released for the Xbox in 2006. Far Cry Instincts: Predator, a compilation of Instincts and Evolution for the Xbox 360, was released alongside Evolution. An arcade version of Instincts developed by Global VR was released in 2007 under the title Paradise Lost.

After being dishonorably discharged from the United States Navy for his illegal actions, Jack Carver (voiced by Stephen Dorff) became a gunrunner in Manhattan, until he was forced out of business by a gang, who performed a hit on him using weapons supplied by Jack against a Mafia heir. Consequently, a price was put on his head by the Mob, and he was forced to flee the United States and settle in Micronesia. Here, Jack purchased a used boat from a government auction and started another business: ferrying tourists and diving clubs around the area. Eventually, a journalist named Valerie Cortez offered Jack a large sum of money for taking her to a remote archipelago known as “Jacutan”. Jack accepted the job, albeit with caution.

The game begins as Jack and Val arrive at Jacutan. After Val takes off on her own with a jet ski, Jack’s boat is destroyed by UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, forcing him to take cover inside a nearby wrecked Japanese aircraft carrier. After acquiring a headset, Jack begins to communicate with a mysterious man calling himself “Doyle”, who reveals that Val is an undercover CIA agent and came to Jacutan to rescue him. Doyle has been on a mission to expose the works of a mad scientist named Dr. Krieger, who is working on a serum to enhance one’s physical abilities and “unlock” hidden animal traits in them.

Doyle convinces Jack to find and rescue Val, who has been captured by Krieger’s mercenaries. While covering Val, Jack himself is captured by Krieger’s right-hand man, ex-Apartheid Colonel Richard Crowe, and taken to Krieger, who notes Jack’s resourcefulness and tenacity and remarks that he would make a good test subject. Jack is injected with Krieger’s serum and is to be transported to an observation area when he recovers prematurely and escapes. To his shock, Jack discovers that he now has “feral abilities”, such as increased speed, night vision and a violent melee attack. However, along with these powers comes an implant designed to regulate the serum’s effects and allows for specialized weapons to be used against Jack.

Doyle commands Jack to find him so that the implant can be removed. Along the way, Jack must prevent a mercenary computer programmer from deciphering Val’s pocket PC, which would blow Doyle’s cover. Descending into an old World War II-era Japanese bunker to stop the decryption, Jack is cornered by the mercenaries as he attempts to escape. He retreats through an old underground mining complex and follows Doyle’s instructions to the main research facility. Jack then makes his way to the facility, where he discovers the extent of Krieger’s work and the mutant monsters he has created. While in the facility, Jack discovers Crowe is gathering the mutants for an unknown purpose. After finally meeting with Doyle and having the implant removed, Jack begins to exhibit an uncontrolled evolution (represented in-game by Jack’s adrenaline bar now decreasing with each use of one of the powers, and the ability to carry mounted weapons like a .50 caliber machine gun).

As Jack escapes the research facility, he discovers that Crowe has taken Doyle and the mutant serum and has unleashed the mutants in a plot to betray Krieger. Jack must fight through the middle of a war between Crowe’s mercenaries, the feral mutants and an elite group of special forces under Krieger’s personal command, under orders to “sanitize” Crowe’s troops. Rescuing Doyle, Jack discovers that Crowe has injected himself with a quadruple dose of the serum Jack received and without an implant. Assuming control of the “Alpha” creatures, the most powerful and intelligent mutants with abilities similar to Jack’s own, Crowe has gone straight to Kreiger’s base of operations. Jack follows him and fights his way to Krieger’s mansion atop an active volcano, where he battles and defeats the physically deformed Crowe. Krieger, in a last-ditch effort to use the Alphas against Jack, realizes that they now view Jack as their leader due to his victory over Crowe. The mutants turn on Krieger and kill him, viewing him as a threat to Jack, and thus allow him to escape as the volcano erupts.

Jack is able to retreat onto a Black Hawk piloted by Val and Doyle, who promise to pay for a new boat to replace his destroyed one. Doyle also promises that they “can do one better” and slides a metal case to Jack, who opens it and laughs cryptically at the unseen contents as the helicopter flies away.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
