Developer : Acclaim Studios

Release date : April 4, 2003

Synopsis :

Vexx is a 2003 platforming video game developed by Acclaim Studios Austin and published by Acclaim Entertainment for the GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox video game consoles. The game was released in North America on February 11, 2003, and in Europe on April 4, 2003. It follows the character Vexx as he searches different worlds for the wraithhearts to power the rift between worlds and defeat Dark Yabu to avenge his grandfather’s death. The game began development in 1999 and underwent a strained development process where many features and levels were cut. Vexx received mixed reviews.

The Astani people of Astara created a rift system that allows them to move between worlds, but the Shadowraiths came through the rift, drained it of its energy, and destroyed Astara. Hundreds of years later, Dark Yabu, the leader of the Shadowraiths, discovers the village of Overwood and enslaves the Valdani people that live there so they can find the wraithhearts to power the rift. Vexx attempts to resist, but he is spared from Yabu’s wrath by his grandfather Vargas, who is killed in the ensuing fight. Vexx sneaks away and discovers the Astani War Talons. They bind themselves to Vexx.

When he wakes up, Vexx is in the Hall of Heroes, where previous wearers of the war talons have been entombed. An old man named Darby appears and informs him that it was he who carried Vexx to the Hall, thinking that the young boy was dead. He also tells Vexx that Yabu completely destroyed the village and that Vexx and Darby are the only ones left. Darby, however, is too old to fight, so he instructs Vexx to collect the wraithhearts and use them to power the rift in order to find and stop Yabu before he opens the gate to his own world. Before Vexx departs, Darby warns him that the Shadowraiths are shapeshifters and to “trust no one along your journey”.

After collecting several wraithhearts, Vexx meets up with Darby again inside the Landspire, and the two of them encounter Reia, the last remaining Astani warrior, who is also the narrator of the game. Reia exposes Darby, who turns out to be Dark Yabu in disguise. Both Reia and Vexx try to attack Yabu but he escapes, taking Reia’s magical staff with him. It is revealed that by collecting the wraithhearts, Vexx was actually helping Yabu power the gate to his own world. Since the only way to close the rift is with Reia’s staff, Vexx has to activate the rest of the gates and catch up to Yabu to get it back.

After collecting 60 wraithhearts, Vexx finds Yabu in the Shadow Realm, and the two of them fight one last time. During the battle, Vexx manages to take Yabu’s amulet, which gives him an extra dose of power. Vexx ultimately wins and retrieves the staff, but Yabu’s death causes the platform on which he and the portal back to Astara stand to begin to crumble. Unable to get back through the portal, he throws the staff through, successfully closing the rift and thus saving Astara, but also trapping himself in the shadow realm. He is last seen roaming the desolate, wraith-infested lands.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
