Developer : Ubisoft

Release date : March 18, 2005

Synopsis :

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by Ubisoft for Xbox, Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 2. It is the first game in the Brothers in Arms series. The game takes place during World War II and focuses on tactics. It was ported to the Wii in 2008, as part of the Brothers in Arms: Double Time compilation.

Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 was used to recreate scenarios in a 2005 History Channel special, titled Brothers in Arms.

On June 6, 1944, Sergeant Matt Baker participates in the initial jump off, taking place hours before the Normandy Landings. When their plane is hit by anti-aircraft fire, Baker is thrown from the plane and separated from his squad. After landing, Baker eventually manages to regroup with 1st Sergeant Mac Hassey, radioman Private First Class Leggett and Lieutenant Colonel Cole. Though off course, Mac leads Baker and Leggett in destroying several Flak 38 anti-aircraft guns with explosives. By morning, more of the squad has managed to find one another, including Corporal Joseph “Red” Hartsock, who Mac delegates to Baker to clear an important road leading to Utah Beach. After fighting their way through the German lines, Baker and Hartsock link up with squadmates Allen and Garnett, and the four paratroopers defend against a counterattack from the beach and succeed in securing an exit for the 4th Infantry Division.

With the beachhead secure, Baker, Hartsock, Allen, and Garnett are tasked to clear out “Objective XYZ”, a makeshift German barracks housing scores of Germans.

After securing a landing field for Glider Infantry reinforcements, the 502nd is then tasked with clearing the town of Vierville on D-Day+1, with assistance from an M5 Stuart light tank whose commander happens to be Baker’s best friend, Sergeant George Risner. Baker’s squad and Risner manage to clear the town, as well as repel an armored counterattack before embarking on the tank to secure a vital crossroad near Saint-Côme-du-Mont. Although successful in breaking through the heavy German defenses, Risner’s tank is ambushed and immobilized by a Panzerfaust. Risner dies as he provides cover for Baker and his squad.

On D-Day+2, Baker and the regrouped 502nd assault Saint-Côme-du-Mont. Mac instructs Baker to first clear out a German machine gun nest which has been making transit in the area risky for the troops. Baker and his squad succeed in doing so and are then tasked with retaking the town from the occupying Fallschirmjäger forces. The next day, Baker learns from Leggett that Allen and Garnett died after securing a barn. Baker’s team then fights through the stragglers from Vierville to destroy a bridge that could be used to transport German armor towards the beaches. With an M4 Sherman tank in support, Baker manages to fight his way through enemy lines and destroy the bridge.

On D-Day+4, Baker links up with Cole to secure a causeway leading to Carentan, a crossroad town linking Utah and Omaha beaches. Stuka bombers, however, attack the causeway, knocking Baker unconscious for a day and killing one of his men. Once Baker recovers the next day, Lt. Col. Cole leads an attack on a heavily defended German farmhouse, using smoke barrages to conceal themselves from the numerous machine gun emplacements. After taking the farmhouse, the 502nd then repels a German counterattack.

The following day, Baker and the 502nd push into Carentan, destroying German armor and making steady progress. The town is liberated, but Baker’s squad loses more men and barely holds the town when the Germans attempt to retake it with tank support. After this, the 101st Airborne Division moves slightly out of Carentan before being struck by a massive German counterattack. Baker’s men fight their way through German armor and infantry as they make their way to the main defensive positions. Upon arriving, however, Baker is quickly knocked unconscious in the fierce action, and witnesses Leggett’s death; when he awakes, Mac sends him off the line alone to find nearby American armored reinforcements from the 2nd Armored Division. Baker successfully finds two tanks and helps drive off the German attackers, saving the remaining paratroopers.

The exhausted paratroopers are sent back to Carentan, where Mac congratulates them for their efforts. Mac announces Hartsock’s promotion to Sergeant, appointing him in command of another squad, and that a “Colonel Marshall” is waiting to interview them on their experiences. Mac, however, then privately tells Baker that “this isn’t over” and welcomes him to “the end of the beginning” as Carentan suddenly comes under bombardment, and the squad charges once again into action.

Source : Wikipedia

Screenshots / ADS
